At just 1.2 acres in size with waters warm as a bath and sands as soft and white as confectioner's sugar underfoot, this petite Belizean caye sits unassumingly, surrounded by a small reef and only a half-hour boat ride offshore of the mainland.
Once you get there, its small size makes for a mecca of haut monde leisure. With no land in sight you can enjoy this soft, secluded sanctuary with little more to ponder on than the sun, the sand, and conch shells bigger than your hand.
This happenstance little island
in the middle of a high sea is
so enchanting, I almost don't
want to give away its name.
A natural reef surrounding the caye makes it a perfect place for snorkeling. Of course on our trip, this was both my first time learning to snorkel, and also my first time swimming in open water with a strong current and bull sharks nearby. If you do choose to jump in, make sure you have strong nerves and a lookout. If you're not the snorkeling with sharks type, you might be happy to enjoy the rum punch served back on the island under a shade from the sun.