Springtime has sprung! And I'm already working on my summer beach-ready body baby! Why? Because I want to rock something that's both sexy and sweet — something like a custom-made swimsuit from Crochetini! 
I recently got in a Q&A sesh with designer and founder Kateryna Sytnyk... on her swimwear line, inspiration, and the essence of beautiful women.

EALM: I love how much each of your pieces fits the curve of a woman's body to a tee. Is there a complicated design process?
KS: Each woman body is absolutely unique – different styles, different shapes, different sizes.  To ensure that Crochetini swimsuits fit perfectly, I went through the whole analysis and testing process with different sizes, threats, types of patterns, etc and over time I’ve come up with a  list of necessary measurements. We have some swimsuits of most standard sizes available in stock. However, I do encourage women to go with the custom design. To take a closer look at the process, navigate to Custom order page on crochetini.com. You record measurements to the downloadable Excel spreadsheet, and if the design allows, you can ask me to change the colors based on the available color chart.
EALM: Where did you look to for inspiration when creating a new design?
KS: Life. We have all the inspiration we need right around us. It could be both material (one of my swimsuits was inspired by African Zebra), and non material – a pure emotion or feeling like from a bay breeze. Also, Crochetini is all about re-inventing crochet fashion in a glamorous way, and I tried to filter my inspiring materials with that statement.
EALM: Each swimsuit makes a sexy statement without being overdramatic. What's your secret to finding that perfect balance in a design?
KS: Crochetini is pretty much my understanding of women essence – natural, elegant, and a bit naughty. I try to reflect that in every new creation.
EALM: To wear a swimsuit and wear it well, I've always thought that the key is in having good self-confidence. Your pieces would make any woman feel sultry and cool! What's your advice on how to feel sexy when hitting the beach?
KS:Just be yourself, and be a woman. Remember, any woman being has a hidden secret inside and a power to change the world just by bringing her own unique beauty to it.

Find your custom suit at crochetini.com.

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